Tuesday, June 3, 2008

a few questions answered...

There has been some concern regarding the children wearing their Kazakh outfits to the pizza party Friday night. If you are worried about stains or the kids being too hot...the outfits are optional. Any adoption gear would be great and if you don't have anything then normal clothes are perfectly fine. We just thought it would be fun for pictures. My daughter is wearing one of her Kazakh tee-shirts as we do not own a traditional outfit. Maybe if you have a traditional Kazakh outfit your child can wear part of it like the hat or vest. This is all for fun...it is not mandatory at all. Please note as of now, the forecast says it should be in the mid 70s.

Additionally, if your children do not like pizza then you are more then welcome to pack them a dinner and bring it along. We are trying to accomodate a very large group with a very small budget. Thanks again :)

We are soooo excited.


Anonymous said...

You are awesome for trying to accomodate all of us! Thank you.

Matthew Ruley said...

Hey we're obviously not going to make it - but if someone wants our reservation spot that would be great. Use our deposit for the charity of your choise and we'll see you next year! Thank you for all you did to make this happen!