Kazapalooza registration is now closed. If you have paid the fee but not returned the form to me- please do so as soon as you can. We need the information on this form to plan for the rest of the event. Some people have had problems filling out the form electronically so just email the information if you want.
We have 60 families this year!!!! Thank you all for participating. We will be sharing more information with you on this blog as time approaches.
Keep in mind that during the dinner on Saturday night, we will hold a raffle to benefit a Kaz charity. The raffle consists of items donated and brought by attendees. This year the charity will be Two Hearts For Hope. If you are not familiar with them you should check out their website for more information.
Two Hearts For Hope
1 comment:
Would it be possible to add the Kazapalooza dates to the blog in an obvious place? Perhaps under the "Schedule of event" section? Maybe change "Friday night" to "Friday night June 5" "Saturday" to "Saturday June 6" and "Sunday morning" to "Sunday morning June 7?"
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