Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As of 1/12/10, registration is officially closed. However, if you are still interested in attending and have not registered, please e-mail me (Michelle Sapp - SpEduc8er@aol.com) and let me know. You still might be able to attend if we have families that cannot attend later. Each year we have had this happen, so I will place you on a waiting list and contact you if there is a spot that opens. We regret the fact that we cannot take everyone that is interest in attending, as we would love to have all who want to come have the opportunity. We just don't have enough space to allow it.

1 comment:

KellyJ said...

Just heard about Kazapalooza and found your site ... only to find out that you're no longer accepting registrations. I burst into tears - this sounds like a great event and I would love to meet some other Kaz families. When will you start registration for 2011?