Friday, February 6, 2009

Dinner/Dance tickets

You will have to purchase each ticket separately. I am sorry for the trouble but it really helps us with figuring out exactly how many kids and adults and the fees are the same on Paypal (it is a percentage of the amount) Thanks.

If you have a child that is 2 or younger you do not need to purchase a ticket and I do not need to know if they are coming. This means if your child is 3 or older, you will need a ticket. We will have plenty of seating and the catering director said two year olds and younger do not eat anything really so they are no charge. Obviously she does not know my two year old!!!!


John & Jenny Morgan said...


Another question: So that you'll know we're bringing a 2 year old, do we need to "purchase" a $0 ticket? If so, please note that this message appears after such an attempt:

PayPal cannot process this transaction because of a problem with the seller's website. Please contact the seller directly to resolve this problem.

Anonymous said...

This date is wrong right? Or am I missing something? Also what is this for, the dance? A family event? It is not listed on the schedule? -Lisa

The Cook said...

the date is correct. The event is a dinner/dance on saturday night at Dave and Busters. It is a family event. It is informal. Most of the kids will be wearing their Kazapalooza shirts. There will be a family dj and a buffet dinner. We also have our charity program and raffle. It is the biggest event of the weekend. Please e-mail me if you have more questions. If you read the older posts you can learn more about it.
murielcollison at